Running a small gasworks was not without its problems. Two disasters struck the Kildwick Parish Gas Company in 1883 and 1884. Some time near the end of 1883 strong winds caused the company's gasholder to collapse, cutting off the supply to the district. This is how the Craven Herald reported the repair work in its edition dated 22nd December 1883: THE RECENT DISASTER - The serious inconvenience from which the district has suffered through the collapsing of the Kildwick Parish Gas Company's holder during the recent storm has now happily come to a termination. On the day after the disaster, the work of getting the holder back into its position, and to couple the two holders promised, was energetically proceeded with under the superintendence of the gas company's manager (Mr. Garlick), and by three o'clock Thursday afternoon week the holder had been got into its place and the necessary preparations for storing gas in the holder were rapidly completed, so that a supply was again to hand early on Friday evening last. It is not proposed to bring into use the holders promised until summer, when the company's holder, we understand, is to undergo a thorough repairing. So a temporary repair to the old gasholder was in place and it would be repaired fully in the summer. However, as a report from September 20th 1884 reveals, the old gas holder had been damaged more seriously than had at first been thought, and could not be repaired before a new one was put in place. NEW GASOMETER - The Gas Company has just about completed the erection of the new gasholder to hold 33,000 cubic feet of gas. The company has been unable to repair the old one, which was so much damaged by the great wind in the latter part of last year, and it has since then been watched day and night on account of it not working properly. The repairs can now be proceeded with. The need for a new gasholder did, however, have the benefit that it increased the amount of gas the company could hold on site, and the rest of the article goes on to describe how this will enable the supply of gas to be extended to Glusburn, Eastburn, Sutton and Steeton. However, just a few weeks later, tragedy struck again. On October 25th the Craven Herald reported: SAD ACCIDENT - A sad accident occurred at the gas works on Monday last. For some time past the company has been erecting a new gasometer, the old one being inadequate for the supply of gas for the district. After completing the new one, Messrs. Clayton, Son & Co., set to work to repair the old one, which was overthrown by the strong winds of last year. It was while at work on this holder that the accident occurred. Just as the workmen were ceasing for the day, at 8:30pm, one of them, residing at Leeds, and employed by Messrs. Clayton, fell from the top into the botom of the holder, a distance of 22 feet. With the assistance of several ready hands, the unfortunate man was got out and removed into the office at the works. Dr. Fletcher was sent for, and he examined and found him to be suffering from a fractured thigh and internal injuries. The 10-20 express to Leeds was stopped at Kildwick, and the unfortunate man was conveyed to the Infirmary on a stretcher, Mr. Garlick, the company manager, accompanying him. Up to Wednesday, he was reported to be doing well. The final fate of the injured man is not known.
Posted: 26/08/2017 |